How to complete an Acknowledgement of Service form for divorce If your ex has started divorce proceedings in England or Wales, you will be known as the respondent because it is your role to respond to the divorce papers. Your ex is known as the petitioner. After the...
Ministry of Justice plans to increase court fees for the first time in five years The Ministry of Justice intends to increase court fees across the civil and family jurisdictions as the government seeks millions to fund the service. The Ministry of Justice has opened...
Why you can’t divorce if you commit adultery. If you cheat on your partner, you can’t divorce them because of your adultery. I had a female client file for divorce last week, and under the question, what sex is your spouse’s lover? She wrote male....
Five life changing lessons we learn only after divorce. Every cloud has a silver lining, right? Even the big dark cloud of divorce. Because rock bottom teaches us lessons that mountain tops never will. The way we learn to deal with divorce teaches us powerful life...
Wondering why yesterday felt so crappy? Turns out it was officially the most stressful day of the year. How was your day yesterday? Did you feel agitated? Were you overwhelmed with looming deadlines or just fed up with the daily grind of lockdown? Well, you’re...
You can apply for a special expenses variation for the following:
Travel costs to maintain regular contact with your child (if more than £10 a week)
Costs connected with supporting a child with a disability or a long-term illness
Repaying debts from your former relationship, e.g. a loan for a car the receiving parent has kept
Boarding school fees for children who qualify for child maintenance
Paying the mortgage for the property where the receiving parent and child live
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Basic Rate The Basic rate applies the amount of child maintenance you will pay each week is based on the following percentages:
12% for one child
16% for two children
19% for three or more children
Basic Plus Rate If your gross weekly income is more than £800, the Basic Plus rate of child maintenance is applied as well as the Basic rate. In addition to the percentage rates applied to the first £800 above, the following percentages are calculated on any balance over £800:
9% for one child
12% for two children
15% for three or more children
The basic plus rate is capped at £3000 per week.
Reduced Rate For the reduced rate you would pay a fixed rate of £7 a week for the first £100 and the following percentage will be applied to the balance:
17% for one child
25% for two children
31% for three or more children
Flat Rate and Nil Rate If your weekly gross income is less than £100 or you or your partner receive certain benefits, you would pay a flat rate of £7 a week in child maintenance.
If you are under 16, a student aged 19 or less, in prison or in a care home, you would not have to pay any child maintenance.
The more nights that your children stay overnight with you, the more the calculator will reduce the weekly amount of child maintenance:
52 to 103 nights = 1/7 (14% reduction)
104 to 155 nights = 2/7 reduction
156 to 174 nights = 3/7 reduction
More than 175 = 50% reduction plus an extra £7 a week for each child
If you have other children, the calculator will reduce your weekly gross income by the following percentage: