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The Different Ways to Divorce—and How Much They Cost

The Different Ways to Divorce—and How Much They Cost

What are the costs involved in divorce and what are my options? After the children, the next big thing couples think about is how much their divorce is going to cost. Expensive divorces are widely reported in the media and we’ve all heard horror stories about...
How to start a divorce. Using the right divorce grounds.

How to start a divorce. Using the right divorce grounds.

How to start a divorce. Using the right divorce grounds. The person who starts proceedings is called the Petitioner. If the Petitioner can convince the courts that their marriage has broken down and cannot be repaired, the court will allow the divorce. To prove that...
How to divorce on grounds of separation

How to divorce on grounds of separation

How to divorce on grounds of separation It is mistakenly thought that divorce is automatic after a lengthy separation. This wishful thinking is, sadly, incorrect. To get a divorce it is still necessary to apply for a divorce. If you want to divorce on the grounds of...

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