0204 586 6113


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Respondent Questionnaire For Consent Order

Rated Excellent 4.9 out of 5

Your spouse has requested us to prepare a consent order for both of you. To proceed, please complete this questionnaire, which will take approximately 15 minutes. Ensure you have sufficient time to finish it in
one sitting because part submissions cannot be saved.

Before you start, gather all your financial details. The information you provide will help us advise you fully and complete your court application for a consent order.

We aim to have your documents ready for signing within four weeks after receiving your fully completed questionnaire.

To provide you with the best service, please ensure all questions are answered completely. Incomplete or missing information will delay the process.

You have a duty to the court to provide a full, frank, and clear disclosure of all financial and relevant circumstances. Failure to provide accurate information may result in the court setting aside any order made.

Deliberate untruthfulness may lead to criminal proceedings for fraud under the Fraud Act 2006.

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Before you begin

We want to get your consent order completed and approved by the court as quickly as possible. The court will only approve your consent order if they have the information from the following questions. Please help us prepare your consent order as quickly as possible by answering the following questions. This is a fully transparent process, so both parties have visibility of each other declared assets before signing the documents for the court's approval.
Did you read before you begin?
Please tell us the name of the court dealing with your divorce. (You can find this in any email or letter you have received from the court).
Please enter the case number of your divorce.
Please select which this application is in relation to:
Did you or your spouse ask for your address to be confidential on the divorce application?
IMPORTANT: You must tell us if you or your spouse asked the court to keep your address confidential. NOT SURE? Confidentiality was selected if the applicant's address was not on the divorce application. PLEASE NOTE: The Statement of Information includes your and your spouse's addresses as standard. If you or your spouse asked the court to keep your address confidential in your divorce application and you want it to remain confidential, or if you now want to keep your address confidential, you can add a confidentiality service for £95, where we will submit a separate document to the court that keeps your address confidential.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
We need to send the court a copy of your conditional order or your final order if you have completed your divorce. Please upload it here. If you have divorced under the old system, please attach your decree nisi or decree absolute.
Date of marriage or formation of civil partnership
Date you started to live together (if before date of marriage)
What date did you separate?
Do you know the date of your conditional order (decree nisi)?
Do you know the date of your final order (decree absolute)?

Your Details

Your name
Please enter your name exactly as it appears on your divorce application.
Your address
Your date of birth

Your Ex-spouse's Details

Spouse name
Please write their name exactly as it appears on your divorce application.
Spouse's address

Children of the Family

A child of the family is a child you and the respondent are biological parents of or a child you both treated as a child of their family and is younger than 18.

Future Housing Arrangements

Please enter your future housing arrangements.
Are you planning on moving from your current home?
The answer is yes if you intend to sell your home or transfer the property to the respondent.

Your Financial Disclosure

Please list all capital assets (including all pensions, shares, savings and property) owned. For the court to be able to grant a consent order, both parties must provide full financial disclosure. We cannot prepare your documents without this information because the court will not approve your consent order. Provide the information for yourself. Jointly owned capital should be divided as appropriate. Enter 0 if you do not have anything in one or more of the following areas.
To work this number out, take away the mortgage & other charges from the property's market value. If you and the respondent share the property, enter the value of your share only.
Add all of your savings and investments together as one sum.
Joint debt should be divided between you and the respondent
If you don't have this figure it can be obtained from your pension company. It can also be referred to as 'Pot Value', 'Total Value' or CETV (Cash Equivalent Transfer Value)
Most people don't have this. Also known as a PPF, if you've never heard of it you probably don't have one.

Your Monthly Income

Enter amounts in all sources that apply to you. Enter 0 if you have nothing in one or more sources. For the court to be able to grant a consent order, you must provide full financial disclosure. Without this information, the court will not approve your consent order.
Enter your monthly income from all employment after tax and national insurance.
E.g. trust fund income, investment income

Child Support/Maintenance

Do you receive child support/maintenance payments from?
Tick all that apply
Do you pay any child support/maintenance payments?
Tick all that apply

Your Financial Arrangements

Please give details on any financial arrangements to which you and your spouse have agreed. This includes agreements such as sale of property, pension sharing, maintenance for children etc. Please provide full details including dates. If property is to be transferred or sold and is mortgaged, please provide the name of the mortgage provider and the account number. If a lump sum is to be paid please provide the latest date by which the lump sum will be paid. If you are sharing pension please include the exact name of the scheme, the address and policy or reference number.
Please tick all of the following that apply to your financial arrangement

Anything Else

If you have made any other agreements not captured in the previous section, enter them here.

Reaching Your Agreement

How was your financial agreement reached?
Are you happy with the way the assets have been split and are you aware that you cannot make a future claim against the applicant once the order has been approved?
Is the split of assets broadly equal between you both?
Our consent order services are for couples who have reached a fair agreement. If your agreement isn’t fair and there is a significant imbalance of assets without good reason, the court will likely reject the application and request a statement from you asking why you believe your agreement to be fair. If you present an unfair agreement and insist that we submitted to the court and they refuses it, we have a statement service where we will prepare your statements and deal with the court on your behalf. The cost should you need this service is £295. Please note that this service does not guarantee the court will approve your consent order. It also does not cover rewriting the consent order should the court require you to amend your agreement.


Please select the box which applies to your current relationship status.
At the present time, please select which of the following applies to you
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